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Lion's Gate Ebook

The Lion’s Gate Portal is an astrological event that happens when the star Sirius aligns with the Sun in Leo. It is believed to be an extremely lucky time, perfect for manifesting and making your dreams come true.

Sirius is known as the brightest star in the sky, according to The name means “glowing,” and it is only outshined by a few planets and the moon when it’s full.

Because the star is visible to the naked eye, it’s been prevalent throughout ancient cultures. It symbolizes wealth, honor and growth.


The lion's gate portal opens every year on August 8 when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all line up

I follow this great content creator called Moon Omens, and they have a free Lion's Gate Ebook for their followers. I've downloaded it and would love to share it with you now! â€‹

Click DOWNLOAD for your own copy of the Lion's Gate Ebook!

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